To Swim Down stream, is to live with ease.
One of my favourite business mantras/life mantras/guiding phrases, is SWIM DOWNSTREAM.
I suspect we have been sold a lie that life has to be hard, that we need to struggle, that to be worthy we need to strive, force ourselves, our bodies, our minds, our limits. I think this mindset is a result of the industrialisation and the fact we needed to comply with unnatural states to be part of an unnatural system. This myth has continued over the past 20 years, while I have been in business.
There has been an industry created by coaches and experts that sell struggle and pain as the way to scale, get fit, get rich, get, get, get. Now, I know for a lot of people this mindset works. It gives structure and meaning. For me, it gave my power-hungry brain a purpose and I felt like I had some level of control over my destiny. This mindset, kind of worked for me, until suddenly, it no longer worked. I was exhausted, broken, frazzel, filled with anxiety and nothing was in my control, not even my own emotions.
Hey I was the lady that shared the quote, “Only dead fish swim downstream”