So I'm happy to say I do follow my own advice. Phew! The other article, is probably trying to cover off too much, for a lot of general situations. Today was great for me, because it made me realize, how seldom I get knocked out of my vortex. I also probably am taking myself a little too seriously and my role in this clients life. If I think I can save someone, I am kidding myself.
It was humbling to get a bit of perspective. As far as a mirror, I don't think I'm spiraling into a full blown self sabotage event. But it did remind me that I can see the warning signs, after years of doing it to myself. And that my fear was because I remember the pain of having fucking brilliant ideas, going for it, but not being able to hold the vibration so it manifested, and the crash of it 'not working out' I was so scared of success, not failure. And a good reminder to enjoy the journey and not be held to a fixed outcome.
Big ideas often come with big dreams, and those big dreams can become too heavy to hold, if we try and force an outcome based on our expectations. It was a good reminder to soften into this experience, and instead of fear that he might spiral big time, enjoy someone learning how to hold the vibration of manifesting on such a grand scale.
Check out Steves meditation.